Thursday, February 26, 2009

Drum Roll Please...

the boys slept through the night last night!!!!!!!!!!! I CANNOT believe it!! Granted, I got no sleep because I was cheering them on between the hours of 4 to 7am!! Their peditrician said they were getting plenty of food and were big enough to make it, and they did. As Aaron said this morning, "one night down, 18 years to go!!!" LOL!!! So we will see how tonight goes, these fellas are nothing but consistent when it comes to sleep. Wish us luck!!


Machelle said...

ok, seriously?! Did I do something wrong!? lol. Well, I will pray they sleep through for you again and that you do not get up every hour to make sure they are breathing (I still do this! lol)

Its A Corny Life... said...

Ha! Congratulations on a full night's sleep, but don't get used to it! Abby goes back and forth...a few night through and then she loses it for a day or two. Hopefully the little guys won't let you down!

And those overall...ADORABLE!

Oh, and Abby had a herniated belly button too, but it self-corrected at about 4 months.

Scarlett said...

That is amazing Courtney!!!! Enjoy it!!!