Monday, November 30, 2009


When did my babies grow all of this HAIR?! Our boys are 11 months old today, and I just dont have the words. Definition of bitter sweet: your baby crawls to you one day as a toddler.

We had a lovely Thanksgiving, first with my family and then with Aaron's. Unfortuntately, all the pictures were taken with cousins/aunts cameras. So PLEASE send me pics if you get a chance! Hope everyone had a lovely holiday, our house is decorated and Christmas music is playing almost 24/7 around here!! Aaron just loves it...kidding ofcourse!!!


Anonymous said...

They are such little sweet-hearts, I had such a wonderful time being with them and all the family. Just not fair, I couldn't bring the boys home with me, you get all the neck sugar.
I love all of you so much.

Holtan-Bates family said...

Oh my word! You are so right! Hair! Adorable mounds of the cutest hair! They are beyond beautiful! Have a great holiday season!

Scarlett said...

love love love the hair

CJ said...

Yes, I love crawling. Preston crawls with speed. He is on a mission. It's so funny! I can't wait till he walks, I think. I love playing CHristmas music. I think I will tonight b/c my hubby works his 2nd job late tonight and it'll just be me and the boys.